Productive Online Board Meetings

Productive online board meetings depend on a variety of factors such as a well-planned agenda and clear communication protocols and reliable technology. Despite these obstacles boards who take the time to follow the best practices established by research can attain high levels of productivity.

Start your meeting by having an open discussion. You can stimulate discussions by asking questions that stimulate participants to share their thoughts. Also, beginning your meeting with a survey or polling tool can help you identify areas that need improvement.

Limit the amount of time that you spend on reports and “have to” items. You’ll lose attendees’ attention and focus if you overload them with a long and tedious report. As a general rule limit yourself to 25 percent of your meeting to these types of discussions. This will enable more strategically planned discussions.

Ensure that your meetings are enjoyable for everyone who attends. Utilize the Boardable platform as an opportunity to encourage participation and create a welcoming atmosphere for all attendees. Encourage members of the board to be present and on-time, adhere to the conventions of meeting protocol and maintain a high level of professionalism.

To ensure a successful online board meeting, board members must be aware of their role within the organization and how it impacts other members. With tools like Boardable’s Minutes Maker and Task Manager, it’s easy for board members to keep track of their responsibilities during meetings and stay informed of developments and challenges. This fosters collaboration amongst the board and facilitates a efficient, dynamic online meeting.

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